The Holland Tunnel Fascinates Me

2 min readJun 29, 2019

I always wondered how the Holland Tunnel was built underwater. I remember as a little girl the only times I’d ever get to cross the tunnel was when one of my family members had to be dropped off to JFK airport. It was during those trips that we’d pass through the tunnel. This one time my cousin told us that whenever we enter the tunnel we should recite a small prayer because we were underwater. That if God forbid the walls even had the smallest crack, the tunnel would flood with water and we’d all die. I know, it was a pretty horrific description of what would go down. But from that time, I’ve always wondered how someone managed to build a tunnel underwater.

I’m most fascinated by the architecture of the tunnel. The chief engineer of the tunnel, Clifford M. Holland did one heck of a job coming up with the nitty-gritty details of the tunnel. From the ventilation system, to how cars would navigate through the tunnel — this man literally had it all figured out. Unfortunately, he died shortly after the tunnel was built.

1921 Art Print featuring the photograph Holland Tunnel Construction by Underwood Archives

A tunnelling shield was used to construct the Holland Tunnel. A tunnelling shield is used as a support structure to prevent things like mud and water from seeping and collapsing the…

